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Brand Zustand

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    Maicon Oliveira

Brand Zustand

Using zustand in a store for global states.


Home selecting the products chosen by the user Home


Cart with products selected by the user where zustand was used for global states Shop

Cart Store

From now on, let's get to the code.

using zustand, we will create our store for our cart!

import create from 'zustand';
import produce, { original } from 'immer';

export const useCartStore = create(set => {
  const setState = fn => set(produce(fn));

  const initialState = {
    open: false,
    products: [],

  return {
    state: {
    actions: {
      toggle: () =>
        setState(({ state }) => {
 = !;
      add: product =>
        setState(({ state }) => {
          if (!original(state.products).includes(product)) {
 = true;
      remove: product =>
        setState(({ state }) => {
          const index = original(state.products).indexOf(product);
          if (index > -1) {
            state.products.splice(index, 1);
      removeAll: () =>
        setState(({ state }) => {
          state.products = [];
      reset: () => set({ state: { ...initialState } }),

Using the Store in the App

Now, just make the call and implement it the way you want!

import { useCartStore } from '../store/cart';
function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  const { toggle } = useCartStore(store => store.actions);

  return (
    <button onClick={() => toggle()} className="text-gray-600 focus:outline-none mx-4 sm:mx-0"/>

Add and remove product from cart actions

import { useCartStore } from '../store/cart';
export default function Cart() {
  const { open, products } = useCartStore(store => store.state);
  const { toggle, removeAll } = useCartStore(store => store.actions);
  return (
        !open ? 'hidden' : ''
      } fixed right-0 top-0 max-w-xs w-full h-full px-6 py-4 transition duration-300 transform overflow-y-auto bg-white border-l-2 border-gray-300`}
      <div className="flex items-center justify-between">
        <h3 className="text-2xl font-medium text-gray-700">Your cart</h3>
        {products.length > 0 ? <button onClick={() => removeAll()}>Clear cart</button> : null}
        <button onClick={() => toggle()} className="text-gray-600 focus:outline-none">
      <hr className="my-3" />
      { => (
        <CartItem product={product} key={} />