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Brasil & Equador
- Authors
- Name
- Maicon Oliveira
A app for show the main features about the Brazil and Ecuador, like foods, attracions, etc.
The idea of the app came up from a partnership with two schools, "ETEC ALBERT EINSTEIN" and other school.
The app is very simple and have just a few features.
- Home.
On the home screen we had title, start button and a dark mode toogle feature.
- Choose the Language.
On the choose language screen we had a carousell that ables see the photo of the "language" and choose the language.
- Country choose.
On the contry choose screen we had a carousell that ables see the photo of the country and choose the country.
- Country Home.
Country title, local foods, behaviors, and attracions buttons and a list of capitals of each state.
- Foods.
Gallery of the main traditional foods.
- Behaviors.
Gallery of the main behaviors.
- Attracions.
Gallery of the main attracions of the countries.
- About.
A screen that allows know more about a specific thing.
🚧 Available soon🚧
We use these tools for the App Devolpement:
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